Re: ORBit mail 3 - Vtable layouts

Lauri Alanko <> writes:
> You can't bypass all marshalling with in-process CORBA objects, at least
> if they use vanilla POA. Calls can be forwarded, a POA could change state
> and all that.. You can't just bypass the POA, at least if you want
> conforming code.

In general, you are correct.

However, there are still inproc cases where it is not necessary to
marshal. There are also cases where you can do
"shortish-circuiting". Just because the ORB has to go the long way in
some cases, that's no reason to give up and let it squirt data over
TCP/IP loopback in every case.


- The ORB should never marshal if the client and servant are in the
same process. Doing so is simply a waste of time.

- If a streamlined object adapter is introduced, once that is made
fast, then the same mechanisms can be used to make the POA almost as
fast. All the POA needs is one little test at each invocation.

Dave Wragg

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