Re: Some thoughts about ORBit...

Dick Porter wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 15, 1998 at 10:39:06AM +0100, Phil Dawes wrote:
> >
> > I was away from my linux box over the weekend and stuck with win95, but
> > In addition to these, I wrote a quick example of a C POA servant to
> > demonstrate how this could work in-process and I was wondering how I get
> > this stuff into the ORBit CVS archive - do I need to be registered as a
> > user?
> For now, you could send it to me (or Elliot) to commit.

Okay - I'll document the code a bit first. Do you want diffs (which
would have to be against an old jim-pick snapshot) or files?

> >
> > Also, is there a ORBit mailing list? - I heard somebody talking about
> > one on the gnome list a while ago.
> Yes. It is (I think its a smartlist, so "subscribe" in the
> subject line)

Ah - great. Is there much traffic on it yet?

BTW - it appears that the mailing list has a request address (like the
gnome ones), so if anybody else wants to subscribe, send to:   (not

with subscribe in the title.



 Phil Dawes                               |   My opinions are my own
 WWW:    err.. temporarily non-existant   |   and nothing to do with
 Email:           |      my employer.

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