Re: Some thoughts about ORBit...

On Mon, Jun 15, 1998 at 10:39:06AM +0100, Phil Dawes wrote:
> I was away from my linux box over the weekend and stuck with win95, but
> had some time to look at the orbit source and make some comments. The
> following 3 mails are some thoughts on binary MI, upcasting and Vtables
> for the orbit binary object standard.

As Elliot has done all the work in this area, I'll have to leave it to him
to comment on your thoughts. It definately looks worth pursuing though.

> In addition to these, I wrote a quick example of a C POA servant to
> demonstrate how this could work in-process and I was wondering how I get
> this stuff into the ORBit CVS archive - do I need to be registered as a
> user?

For now, you could send it to me (or Elliot) to commit.

> Also, is there a ORBit mailing list? - I heard somebody talking about
> one on the gnome list a while ago.

Yes. It is (I think its a smartlist, so "subscribe" in the
subject line)

> Phil.

- Dick

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