Re: Nagging the user to recalibrate?

On 26 March 2010 16:57, Pascal de Bruijn <pmjdebruijn pcode nl> wrote:
> Also add a "Never bother me again" button :)

Ignore == never tell me about this again.

> The best idea is probably to instruct the user to recalibrate on each
> new set of ink, whenever he/she first calibrates his/her printer...

I guess we could get this from CUPS.

> There is another consideration... What is checked?
> The current active profile? Or the latest available profile?

When the current profile was assigned to the device.

> For example when I import a manufacturer supplied .icc, it will most
> likely always be dated more than six months, but we still don't want
> to nag the user...

Sure, we only nag the user if the profile was created by GCM.


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