Re: UI Help Required

On 2 March 2010 17:26, Milan Knížek <knizek confy volny cz> wrote:
> I get the point that the adjectives here refer to the time it takes to
> make the profile, but "short profile" and "short precision" sounds
> weird, doesn't it?

Yes, i suppose it does.

> Please choose the calibration precision.
> For a typical workflow, a normal precision profile is sufficient.
> High precision profiles are more accurate, but their preparation require
> more paper and time for reading the color swatches. Correspondingly, low
> precision profiles are quick and easy to prepare but provide lower
> quality of color matching.
> Low    Normal    High

That's much better than what I've got. Any chance you could have a go
at making a patch for git master? If not, no worries and I can look
into it tomorrow. The reason I ask is there is some
printer-calibration specific paragraphs in the dialog, and we probably
need to add some display specific strings too.


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