Re: [gugmasters] Helping prepare a user group budget for 2007

On Mon, 2007-01-08 at 10:42 -0300, Fernando San Mart�Woerner wrote:
> Dave Neary escribi� ...
> > The second request is that you write to the list with your plans for
> > theh year, and your likely requirements of help from the foundation (be
> > it material help like shipping t-shirts, or financial help to pay for
> > travel expenses for a speaker, or your need to embezzle funds to buy
> > that new car). Also, if you have ideas of things that we should be
> > spending money on for user groups in general, I would love to have your
> > input.
> > 
> This was the mail that i'm waiting since 2 or 3 years ago!, Thanks for 
> this.
> As Chilean local group we'll start to discuss what we need/want to do 
> this year. By now is a bad date for that (we're in Holidays/summer time) 
> but the thread will start anyway in our local mailing list.

Puede que ya sea un poco tarde para iniciar esta discusi�aparentemente el presupuesto ya est�ijado, y pas� vieja), pero de
todas maneras me gustar�recopilar informaci�a grandes rasgos, sobre
cuanto fue lo que se gast�rante el a�n eventos. Entiendo que
quiz�la mayor parte de gastos fue durante el Encuentro Linux (dejando
de lado los gastos de transporte de Fer y Mariano). A partir de ah�podr�os extrapolar una cifra aproximada de dinero con la que
idealmente deber�os contar para este a�


Claudio Saavedra <csaavedra alumnos utalca cl>

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