Re: Archive projects ?

On Thu, 2011-07-07 at 11:59 +0530, Akhil Laddha wrote:
> Hi all,
>         I have closed all the bug from for a few
> projects which were unmaintained and development has been stalled and i
> have done this only after getting approval from respective maintainers. 
> But i am not sure will it be safe to close those projects for future
> bugs and move their source code to archive. If it's safe, will somebody
> from sysadmin team do it.
> List of projects with zero bugs in and which have
> source code listed in
> * gnome-jabber
> * lsr
> * muine
> * Cupid
> * Criawips
> * straw
> * eggcups
> * gossip
> * anjal
> Please let me know if you need any further details.

No opinion in particular, but I will point out that unlike mass closing
bugs in bugzilla, moving stuff to the Git archive is trivially

- Owen

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