Re: New to GNOME!

Am Dienstag, den 13.07.2010, 20:47 +0530 schrieb DHEERAJ BATHIJA:
> I am new to GNOME. 2 days back only I have joined GNOME bugsquad. I
> take open source software development as a passion. Thats why I never
> code in non-free stuffs. I am very much interested in Linux and its
> development.
> While surfing through internet, I found GNOME can be a great platform
> for me to explore. I kindly request you guys to please help me till
> the time I am used to the procedure.

Hi & welcome!

Have you read ?
In case of triaging questions also the #bugs IRC channel on
is helpful (though sometimes you have to be patient until you get an

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