Re: bugzilla

(getting this back on the mailing list)

Am Dienstag, den 11.11.2008, 14:02 +0100 schrieb Jean-Philippe
> Andre> Am Montag, den 10.11.2008, 09:54 +0100 schrieb
>     Andre> Jean-Philippe Chancelier:
>     Andre> You can file a bug against in
>     Andre> . It would require information
>     Andre> about the code location, maintainer email address in gnome
>     Andre> bugzilla, and (sub)components required.
>     Andre> However I don't know about the policy if you don't host
>     Andre> your code in GNOME and "just" are a gtk based project...
>     Hi Andre, 
>     Thanks for the answer but I am not sure that it answers 
>     my request. My question is how is it possible to add a new 
>     applications/products in the bugzilla.gnome. 

I've answered exactly this question: File a bug. :)

>     As I can see in the application list:
>         Other  - Other software not part of the GNOME Desktop suite 
>     all the applications are not all Gnome Applications. 
>     It seams anyway that bugzilla Gnome only host applications which are 
>     in Am I right ? 
>     Thus I think my question should be: what's the procedure to be listed 
>     in ? 

Oh, I don't know that.

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