new "dup+fixed" stock answer

hi folks,

I'd like to point out that we now have a new stock response "dup+fixed". Obviously it should be used in the case that the triaged bug is a duplicate of an already fixed bug. We now have the chance of giving positive feedback to our users, and I hope this will
improve Gnome's image.

The text is

 Thanks for taking the time to report this bug.
This particular bug has already been reported into our bug tracking system, but we are happy to tell you that the problem has already been fixed. It should be solved in the
 next software version. You may want to check for a software upgrade.

Yes, I know the term "next software version" is quite vague. However we have to remember that the target audience is the common user, and he/she is not intrested in software
development details.

We also have improved "fixed-in-head" and "fixed-in-stable" stock answers.

Happy bug hunting

Christian Kirbach
Christian Kirbach siemens com
+49 176 23861781

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