overlooked major bug in gwget, please help to resolve this,

Hello Everybody

i am following the development of gwget with lot of interest,
i encountered two bugs in gwget,
i reported both ,
the bug id is 309007 and 309009
please check it out that,
even though not being a programmer i described in much detail for both bugs as 
far as i can,
and for 309009 i even gave my ideas to help the author,
and you may notice that i tested every release of gwget since i encountered 
the bug and posted the results in comment section,
as you see not only me experiencing this bug in SUSE only, 
Konrad Klimaszewski  also experiencing this bug under gentoo and ubuntu.
many of you may already know that gwget was in sourceforge,
it has been recently adopted by gnome and now it is gnome.org/project, 
so it is not a foreign project,
and this project is not dead too, 
in 5 January 2006 they released 0.97 version,
and the bug exists in that version too,

what is very frustrating for me is i haven't  received a single comment from 
the author so far,

still why i am writing to bugsquad is i love gwget that much, and i want it to 
work flawlessly in my suse distribution,

expecting your feedback and help

Raghu GS

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