Re: Help wanted with bugzilla 2.20 (classifying products)

On Tue, Oct 18, 2005 at 11:07:15AM -0600, Elijah Newren wrote:
> On 10/18/05, Paolo Borelli <pborelli katamail com> wrote:
> > Il giorno mar, 18/10/2005 alle 11.30 +0200, Olav Vitters ha scritto:
> > > In 2.20 the products will be divided into classifications. Currently
> > > the following classifications exist:
> > >  * Desktop
> > >  * Platform
> > >  * Bindings
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> >         I am a bit concerned by this classification: bugzilla is already quite
> > intimidating and confusing as is now for the casual bug reporter and I
> > fear that these categories do not help. Joe User has his nice
> > ubuntu/fedora/whatever system and for instance gthumb crashes... how is
> > he supposed to know if it's part of the 'desktop' or not? why isn't it
> > in the same category of EoG? In the same way, I think that it is
> > confusing that gnome-python and gnome-python-extras are in different
> > categories.
> Makes sense and I can see how it'd cause problems.  However, could we
> pick something inbetween to prevent that confusion while also
> benefitting from the categorization, perhaps by using a flat interface
> (I.e. show all products all at once but have them grouped by
> categories, much like the mockup at

That'd still show Desktop/Platform/Bindings, etc. Ideally a product must
be able to belong to multiple classifications. This isn't possible with
Bugzilla :-(, but if it was a user could just select the most
appropriate classification (either Desktop or something like
Library/Graphics/etc). Currently the classification is more useful for
GNOME developers (or maybe even only release team & bugsquad). I've
searched for something like this on upstream Bugzilla, but it doesn't
seem to exist. Also the direction seems to go to allowing the same
product name to exist in more than one classification (opposite of what
we need).

Also thought about a search like interface (select classification or a
word). The product page would then show you products with those words
in either the: product name/description or component name/description.
This is probably something only for simple-bug-guide.cgi (although I
still see a lot of users using the 'advanced' version).


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