Re: Help wanted with bugzilla 2.20 (classifying products)

On 10/18/05, Paolo Borelli <pborelli katamail com> wrote:
> Il giorno mar, 18/10/2005 alle 11.30 +0200, Olav Vitters ha scritto:
> > In 2.20 the products will be divided into classifications. Currently
> > the following classifications exist:
> >  * Desktop
> >  * Platform
> >  * Bindings
> Hi,
>         I am a bit concerned by this classification: bugzilla is already quite
> intimidating and confusing as is now for the casual bug reporter and I
> fear that these categories do not help. Joe User has his nice
> ubuntu/fedora/whatever system and for instance gthumb crashes... how is
> he supposed to know if it's part of the 'desktop' or not? why isn't it
> in the same category of EoG? In the same way, I think that it is
> confusing that gnome-python and gnome-python-extras are in different
> categories.

Makes sense and I can see how it'd cause problems.  However, could we
pick something inbetween to prevent that confusion while also
benefitting from the categorization, perhaps by using a flat interface
(I.e. show all products all at once but have them grouped by
categories, much like the mockup at


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