Re: Help wanted with bugzilla 2.20 (classifying products)

Il giorno mar, 18/10/2005 alle 11.30 +0200, Olav Vitters ha scritto:
> In 2.20 the products will be divided into classifications. Currently
> the following classifications exist:
>  * Desktop
>  * Platform
>  * Bindings


	I am a bit concerned by this classification: bugzilla is already quite
intimidating and confusing as is now for the casual bug reporter and I
fear that these categories do not help. Joe User has his nice
ubuntu/fedora/whatever system and for instance gthumb crashes... how is
he supposed to know if it's part of the 'desktop' or not? why isn't it
in the same category of EoG? In the same way, I think that it is
confusing that gnome-python and gnome-python-extras are in different

I'd prefer to see a classifications along the lines of
Applications/Libraries/Infrastructure or something like that.

Of course also beeing able to see the stats for products in the
'platform' is a useful piece of info, I am just not sure that it's
something that needs to be exposed in the UI.



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