Re: Moving Evolution bugs to gnome.

On Thu, 2004-12-23 at 12:15 -0600, Gerardo Marin wrote:
> Hello guys,
> I've sent a few mails about migrating Evolution bugs to gnome bugzilla,
> being the latest
> November/msg00016.html
> We really want to have this accomplished in the best way for GNOME, so
> we need your feedback on GNOME needs for migration. Please let us know
> any requirements for the export/import process and the best date for
> doing it as well as any other activity on our side to make this happen.
> Hope to hear from you soon.

Hey, guys; sorry that this has taken so long to reply to. I agree that
for the good of all involved it is best that this happen ASAP.

David Hoover (cc'd) worked out a script to move a ximian bugzilla mysql
dump into bugzilla.gnome a few months ago, but I was totally swamped and
let the work fall through. I suck like that :/ David, are you still
alive and willing to forgive me for my thoughtless abandonment? :) 

Answers to some of the originally posed questions:
* when is this move preferable? a: probably first weeknight after we get
the script ready, I'd guess, or maybe weekend? We can just shut down
bugzilla's web interface (easy) for a few hours, dump in the new bugs,
test the DB's integrity a bit, and then bring things back up to test
some more.

* preferred export format: we don't really have any pre-existing import
tool. I'd guess SQL insert statements would be ideal, assuming we can
get the field mapping to be correct.

* bug-buddy can be pretty transparent- we just add evolution to the
gnome bug-buddy XML and remove it from b.x.c. Ditto the rest- those are
trivial, it's just the input that is hard.

You mention you've got export capabilities at this point; how far can
that get us?

Luis (trying to push this ahead)

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