Re: GNOME crash page

On 10 Apr 2005 18:54:34 +0200, Einar Schlereth <eet schlereth telia com> wrote:
> My Red Hat demands me to visit the GNOMEs crash page.
> But I can't find such a page. On that homepage I'm completely lost.

You can submit a bug report at either or at  You can also use
bug-buddy to submit a bug report; bug-buddy is the program that comes
up automatically when something else crashes or quits unexpectedly and
informs you of it.

> I subscribed to bugzilla and to gnome and my letters are withheld
> because I'm not a member. I do not understand this thing.

What do you mean that you're "subscribed to gnome"?  That doesn't make
any sense; I'm guessing that you subscribed to a certain mailing list,
but we'd need to know which one.  What are your emails ("letters")
being withheld from (which mailing list)?  We'd need more detail to

> Anyhow the panel isn't popping up so it is quite difficult to work.
> And I don't have any idea wether it is a technical defect or a question
> of updating GNOME or a bug or worm or virus.
> Now it is two weeks that I'm looking for help.
> I hope that it will work now.

What version of Gnome and Red Hat are you running?  What's the exact
error message you are getting?  Have a submitted a bug report using
bug-buddy?  Have you submitted a report using a web browser at either
of the two sites I mentioned above?

> Greetings and thanks in advance
> Einar Schlereth

Hopefully we can get you pointed in the right direction with a little more info.


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