Another keyword?

While searching for bugs that should have the BLOCKED_BY_FREEZE keyword,
I've noticed a large number of bugs that should probably be flagged, but
for which this keyword isn't appropriate and PATCH doesn't seem to be
enough.  These bugs have a patch posted, but the maintainer hasn't
reviewed for an awfully long time.  I don't want an overload of
keywords or a keyword that'll just be difficult to distinguish from
PATCH, but maybe something along the lines of: 'PATCH_NEEDS_REVIEW', to
only be set on bugs that have a patch which are at least 'n' weeks old, no
freeze prevents patch application (or didn't when the patch was
submitted), and which the a maintainer hasn't commented on.

An alternative might be to be more aggressive about unsetting the PATCH
keyword and nagging more about it, but it seems that we'd need to unset
the PATCH keyword in quite a few places to pare the bugs down enough to
make it so that we could nag the maintainers about all the PATCH bugs--and
unsetting it is potentially losing useful information.

I'm not sure either of these are the best approach, but it seems that it
would be nice to do something to improve the current situation.  Comments?

Some of the bugs that I was noticing: 88775, 86331, 95614, 98743

(Of course, there's also bugs like 101516 where the maintainer gives three
consecutive messages saying it's okay/still okay to commit and the
reporter ignores it, but that's not such a big issue.  :)


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