Sprint sucks [Was: Bug Day Tomorrow!]

Yep, as I warned before, here is the email I sent out 9 days ago using
my ISP (Sprint) and it is just finally getting sent out.  Ignore the
below email, as it's no longer relevant.

On Wed, 2003-09-03 at 21:37, Elijah Newren wrote:
> For all of you out there looking for a way to assist the Gnome project
> that won't take you very long to get started and doesn't require a very
> big time commitment, here it is:  Bug Day!
> Bug Day is an organized day for bug triage.  In a departure from the
> past (see below), it will not be running all day long but will rather be
> running during most of the day but with breaks throughout the day.  It
> will take place between 0900 EST (1500 GMT) to 2100 EST (0300 GMT). It
> will be in irc.gnome.org in channel #bugs.  [If you join during one of
> the breaks and none of us are available, please email
> gnome-bugsquad gnome org with any specific questions].
> There have been many other changes to help you get started as well, in
> particular our triage guide has been thoroughly reworked and expanded:
>    - More detailed instructions on getting started
>    - Examples of triaged bugs are now included
>    - Pointers on how bugzilla works have been added
>    - Quick Triaging links have been collected on a single page
>    - A short FAQ (frequently asked questions) has been added
>    - and other things I'm probably forgetting
> Note that, in particular, the FAQ contains two sections with background
> on helping out and Bug Day (see sections I and II of 
> http://developer.gnome.org/projects/bugsquad/triage/faq.html).
> I hope to see you there,
> Elijah (a.k.a. 'fuzz' on IRC)
> Additional Notes about the changes:  Many will note that we haven't had
> an official Bug Day for a couple months--we didn't want to run one if we
> couldn't be sure we would be available.  However, none of us has been
> able to commit to a solid 12 hour day.  We recently decided that it
> would be best to run them anyway and just let people know in advance
> that we wouldn't be available at all times during the day.  We have,
> however, expanded the triage guide to make it much more complete. 
> Hopefully this will also make it so that others who can't make it to Bug
> Day can still help by simply using the triage guide and the
> gnome-bugsquad gnome org mailing list.
> _______________________________________________
> Gnome-bugsquad mailing list
> Gnome-bugsquad gnome org
> http://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/gnome-bugsquad

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