Re: Who closes bugs?

On Wed, Oct 02, 2002 at 10:13:23AM +0200, Benjamin Thery wrote:
> Hello,
> In the last weeks, I have reported my first bugs in Bugzilla.
> Many of them have been marked RESOLVED/FIXED :-)
> My question is :
> In the Bugzilla process, who changes the state of the bugs to VERIFIED? 
> to CLOSED? And when?

At the moment, most bugs never make it to VERIFIED or CLOSED status.
If you like, you can feel free to mark bugs as VERIFIED.  What this
involves is making sure that you can no longer reproduce the bug with
the version where the maintainer claims to have fixed it.

I wouldn't mark any bugs as CLOSED at this time, since it might make
further bug hacking on resolved bugs harder.

> As a reporter, do I have to take some actions once the bug is marked 

You don't -have- to take any action.  But if you verify that the bug
is indeed fixed, and mark it as VERIFIED in bugzilla, that's a really
nice confirmation that the bug really is gone.  HTH,

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