Fwd: Promoting events in South America

Oi todos,

Pra quem não lê na lista de Marketing do GNOME, o Diego, do Perú, fez
uma proposta interessante de tentar sincronizar da melhor forma
possível os eventos do GNOME nos países da América do Sul para
possibilitar a vinda de palestrantes estrangeiros para os eventos, com
um custo mais baixo.

Izabel, quais são os planos para o V Fórum GNOME no ano que vem? Seria
bom entrar nessa "roda" para poderem trazer gente legal pro Brasil.

O que vocês acham?


ps: O exemplo com meu nome é apenas um exemplo. Não quer dizer
necessariamente que eles estão pensando em me convidar.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Diego Escalante Urrelo <diegoe gnome org>
Date: 06/11/2007 09:55
Subject: Promoting events in South America
To: marketing-list <marketing-list gnome org>

Hey everyone,

I wanted to have an opinion on an idea I've been playing for a while.
I'd like to run some -not so big- conference around here in Perú.
Obviously one of the goals of doing so is promoting GNOME events
outside the north hemisphere of our lovely planet.

One of the obvious problems with the will of taking people from Europe
to SouthAmerica is that ticket cost is high. Discussing the idea with
various people, an idea popped: sync conferences of this side of the
world so people travelling from europe can assist easily to other
conferences in other countries, this would be simple masses economy
(if that's the translation).
- GNOME Chile decides to have a conference March 15-17, they want to
bring Lucas for a talk about Maemo
- GNOME Brasil wants to have Lucas on March 20
- GNOME Perú would like to have a conference on March 22-24, and would
like Lucas as a speaker for March 23.

The idea is simple, just agree on some schedule so we have the chance
of sharing the availability of speakers or attendants.
This of course raises problems like outside-of-office time for these
guys and other things like lots of travelling, but SouthAmerica is not
huge, it's easy to go from one place to another.

Benefit for the local people is having some cool speakers for a lot
less money than normal (or maybe even for almost no money?), benefit
for speakers is that they get to travel around SouthAmerica.

I would like to hear your opinions on this idea, or any opinion about
the whole issue of bringing more people to our part of the world!.


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