Archiving the Boxes mailing list in favor of Discourse

Hi everybody,

GNOME has set up a year and a half ago, as
part of an attempt at making the GTK mailing list more friendly to
newcomers. This experiment seems to have proven itself well enough,
and has since expanded to other territories as well. As such, we
believe it is time to make the same switch for most of our mailing
lists too.

Mailing lists are now starting to be archived, on-demand, based on
requests from maintainers. Since our list hasn't seen much activity in
the past couple of years, I find it natural that we archive it and
continue discussions in Discourse.

Before making this decision final, I would like to give a week for
people that oppose this change to manifest their reasons, so we can
discuss them.

Happy hacking,
Felipe Borges.

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