Sabayon 2.29.5 released.

Attention all lovers of Spicy Vegetables and Speeches!

Sabayon 2.29.5 codename "Chutney and Oratory", has been released!

You can find it on the regular place:

Shortly, once the mirrors sync.


    * Removed dependencies
    * Added help menu
    * Fix for Bug #596106: crash when clicking on an empty directory
    * Fix for Bug #528562: replace with
    * Turned ldap into a soft dependency, issue a message in configure
    * Removed complicated, and hard-to-translate time based save confirm
      messages with a single nice easy to translate string.
    * Fixed some unclear strings for the translators. Bug #527722
    * Fixed translation problems with
    * Moved sabayon's conf dir to /etc/sabayon
    * Removed local copy of Pessulus, we now import it.
    * Sabayon now supports symlinks. Bug #374861
    * Created upstream man pages.
    * Added selinux support (if available) Bug #486218

  Migration Notes:

    * Sabayon now stores it's config files in /etc/sabayon, and it's profiles
      in /etc/sabayon/profiles.
    * To migrate existing profiles, perform the following steps:
      cp /etc/desktop-profiles/*.xml /etc/sabayon
      cp /etc/desktop-profiles/*.zip /etc/sabayon/profiles


    * es, courtesy of Jorge González
    * et, courtesy of Ivar Smolin
    * fr, courtesy of Claude Paroz
    * it, courtesy of Gianvito Cavasoli
    * nb, courtesy of Kjartan Maraas
    * nds, courtesy of Nils-Christoph Fiedler
    * sl, courtesy of Matej Urbančič
    * sv, courtesy of Daniel Nylander
    * th, courtesy of Theppitak Karoonboonyanan
    * uk, courtesy of Maxim Dziumanenko
    * zh_HK, courtesy of Chao-Hsiung Liao
    * zh_TW, courtesy of Chao-Hsiung Liao

Thanks to all Sabayon developers, translators, and testers for helping to make
the best Sabayon release yet!


Scott L. Balneaves | Live simply, so others may simply live.
Systems Department |     -- Gandhi
Legal Aid Manitoba | 

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