ANNOUNCE: Glom 1.8.4

*** Glom

With Glom you can design table definitions and the relationships between 
them, plus arrange the fields on the screen. You can edit and search the 
data in those tables, and specify field values in terms of other fields. 
It's as easy as it should be.

More information and screenshots are at

*** Glom 1.8.4:

* Initial dialog: Try an alternative path for the example/template files, 
  in case the package installed them somewhere unusual.
* Relationships Overview, Print Layouts:
  Don't crash when showing and then hiding the grid.
  Ubuntu bug
* List: Temporarily remember the sort order so it is the same when navigating 
  away and back.
  Ubuntu bug
* Fields combo boxes (such as the choices field in the field formatting):
  Bring back the (None) item so these can be cleared.
  This regression probably happened when we first ported to Maemo.
* Reports:
  - Use the list's sort order for the top-level records in the report.
    Ubuntu bug
  - Set a default title based on the name, when adding a new report, as 
    we do for tables, relationships, print layouts, etc.
* Users/Groups: Disable drag-and-drop for the treeview, because it is useless 
  and confusing.
* Import: Sort the fields list alphabetically.
  Ubuntu bug #
  (Murray Cumming)

Murray Cumming
murrayc murrayc com

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