2006-October Archive by Thread
Messages are ordered newest-to-oldest in this index. The newest
threads will be at the top of this page, the oldest will be at the bottom.
Within a single thread, the first mail note is the START of the
thread; the notes following that are in the chronological order of
when they were received. So globally, newest messages are at the top,
but within a thread, the oldest (the start of the thread) is at the
If you think about it, it is confusing. Just go with the flow and everything will be all right.
GDM2 2.17.1 (unstable), the "Now Working" Release,
Brian Cameron
GDM2 2.16.2 (stable), the "Combo" Release,
Brian Cameron
Sysprof Linux Profiler v. 1.0.5,
Soeren Sandmann
Sysprof Linux Profiler v. 1.0.4,
Soeren Sandmann
XChat-GNOME 0.15,
Guillaume Desmottes
GSwitchIt Plugins 0.6,
Sergey Udaltsov
Glade 3.1 UI Mock-up release,
Tristan Van Berkom
ANNOUNCEMENT: Seahorse 0.9.6,
Nate Nielsen
ANNOUNCE Gfax 0.7.5.,
George Farris
New version of Libgda/Libgnomedb,
Vivien Malerba
Announcing GNOME Network Proxy Resolver,
Christian Persch
Tracker 0.5.0,
Jamie McCracken
Brasero-0.5.0 released,
Philippe Rouquier
Dasher 4.2.1 released,
Phil Cowans
fast-user-switch-applet v2.17.2 "Stephen's Exhibition" released,
Thomas Thurman
ANNOUNCE: Banshee 0.11.2,
Aaron Bockover
Deskbar-Applet 2.16.1 Released,
Nigel Tao
ANNOUNCE: Buoh online comics reader 0.8.2 released,
Esteban Sanchez
XChat-GNOME 0.14,
Guillaume Desmottes
Eye of GNOME,
Claudio Saavedra
[UPDATE] Evolution released,
Harish Krishnaswamy
[ANNOUNCE] GtkUnique 0.1.0 - Single Instance Application library,
Emmanuele Bassi
ANNOUNCE: Glom 1.2.0,
Murray Cumming
Eye of GNOME 2.17.1,
Claudio Saavedra
[ANNOUNCE] GARNOME 2.17.1 -- "fasten your seatbelts... 2.18 on the horizon",
GNOME 2.17.1 Released!,
Elijah Newren
ANNOUNCE: Beagle 0.2.11,
Joe Shaw
GNOME Power Manager 2.17.2,
Richard Hughes
ANNOUNCE: libgda/libgnomedb 1.99.0 (AKA 2.0 Beta2),
Vivien Malerba
libgnomekbd 0.1,
Sergey Udaltsov
GNOME Games 2.17.1 Released,
Jason D. Clinton
ANNOUNCE: Banshee 0.11.1,
Aaron Bockover
Pango-1.15.0 released [unstable],
Behdad Esfahbod
GDM2 2.17.0 (unstable), the "Reach For The Stars" Release,
Brian Cameron
GNOME Commander 1.2.1 released,
Piotr Eljasiak
[ANNOUNCE} Evolution 2.9.1 and Evolution-Data-Server 1.9.1 released,
Harish Krishnaswamy
control-center 2.17.1 released,
Rodrigo Moya
Announce: libxklavier 3.1,
Sergey Udaltsov
ANNOUNCE: Gossip 0.18 Released!,
Martyn Russell
ANNOUNCE: gcalctool v5.9.4 [hopefully stable],
Rich Burridge
ANNOUNCE: GnomePythonDesktop 2.17.1 (unstable),
Gustavo J. A. M. Carneiro
ANNOUNCE: gnubiff 2.2.3 released,
Robert Sowada
gnoMint 0.1.2 released,
David =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Mar=EDn_Carre=F1o?=
Announcing Orca v2.17.1,
Willie Walker
ANNOUNCE: gNumExp 0.11,
Gustavo J. A. M. Carneiro
Pango-1.14.7 released,
Behdad Esfahbod
Pango-1.14.6 released,
Behdad Esfahbod
ANNOUNCE: Nautilus-Sendto 0.8,
Roberto Majadas
ANNOUNCE: Glom 1.1.6,
Murray Cumming
Evince 0.6.1 released,
Nickolay V. Shmyrev
ANNOUNCE: kiwi 1.9.11,
Johan Dahlin
metacity 2.17.0,
Thomas Thurman
Guikachu 1.5.10: GNOME Resource editor for PalmOS projects,
Dr. ERDI Gergo
Labyrinth 0.2 "Get the Picture?",
Don Scorgie
[Announce] Gnome Subtitles 0.0.2 has been released,
Pedro Castro
[ANNOUNCE] Vala 0.0.4 - Compiler for the GObject type system,
=?ISO-8859-1?Q?J=FCrg?= Billeter
Announcing Orca v2.17.0,
Willie Walker
GNOME 2.16.1 released!,
Elijah Newren
[ANNOUNCE] GARNOME 2.16.1 "dot one, the stable release -- polished",
ANNOUNCE: GNOME Screen Ruler 0.7,
Ian McIntosh
GTK+ 2.10.6 released,
Matthias Clasen
ANNOUNCE: PyGObject 2.12.2,
Johan Dahlin
Gustavo J. A. M. Carneiro
GNOME User Docs 2.16.1 Released,
Don Scorgie
GNOME User Docs 2.16.1 Released (resend),
Don Scorgie
Gustavo J. A. M. Carneiro
metacity 2.16.3,
Elijah Newren
GDM2 2.16.1 (stable), the "Hyde Park" Release,
Brian Cameron
gnome-games 2.16.1 released,
Yelp 2.16.1 Released,
Don Scorgie
control-center 2.16.1 released,
Rodrigo Moya
GLib 2.12.4 released,
Matthias Clasen
GtkSourceView 1.8.0 released,
Paolo Maggi
gedit 2.16.1 released,
Paolo Borelli
Rhythmbox 0.9.6 "Live from the shores of lake Burley-Griffin",
James \"Doc\" Livingston
ANNOUNCE: Netspeed 0.14,
Pedro Villavicencio Garrido
Mail converted by MHonArc