ANNOUNCE: gnubiff 2.2.3 released

* What is it ?

gnubiff is a mail notification program that checks for mail and displays
headers when new mail has arrived. gnubiff features include:
* Multiple mailbox support
* pop3, apop, imap4, mh, qmail and mailfile support
* SSL & certificates support
* GNOME support with complete integration to panel
* GTK stand-alone support
* Automatic detection of mailbox format
* Mail header & content display
* IDLE state support for imap4
* FAM support for mh/qmail/mailfile
* PNG animation support
* Highly configurable
* Spam filtering
* HIG 2.0 compliance
* Small memory usage

* What's changed ?

This is a minor bugfix release. Changes:
 * Passwords longer than 15 characters are now handled properly
 * Compiling without fam.h is now possible
 * Some other bug fixes

* Where can I get it ?



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