ORBit 0.3.0


You NEED glib 1.1.3 installed to compile this.

Sep 21, 1998:
        ORBit 0.3.0 release
                . Transparent same-address-space object calls.
                . UNIX socket connection support.
                . More POA policies supported.
                . IDL compiler can now output a sample server to
                  save you typing.
                . Naming service now included.
                . Includes libIDL 0.5.0, supporting the full CORBA 2.2
                  IDL grammar.
                . Many bug fixes, and improvements in portability,
                  memory usage, & stability.
                Maybe it'd be more appropriate to just say "it's a lot
                cooler than it already was" :)

(There will most likely be an ORBit 0.3.1 once all the "doesn't compile"
bug reports come in, so don't despair if it doesn't work perfectly for
-- Elliot
"In film you will find four basic story lines. Man versus man, man
 versus nature, nature versus nature, and dog versus vampire."
    - Steven Spielberg

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