Re: Guidance on using ATK

Hi Lawrence.

Please read for my thoughts on how to solve the "make Orca speak whatever I want" problem properly (new notification API in ATK/AT-SPI2), and also a possible workaround (role notification + state showing).

That said, if you have an on-screen table -- and the user knows that table is there -- Orca has "flat review" keystrokes to examine objects spatially:

And that said: is keyboard navigation for this table such a bad thing? :) How will it hurt the sighted user's experience? If it would hurt the sighted user's experience, could full keyboard navigation be an optional setting?


On Tue, 2021-04-06 at 21:13 +0100, Lawrence Warren via gnome-accessibility-list wrote:
Hello all,

I have been developing a program over the past couple of months which I intend to be used with a screenreader, if the user requires it. However I have become a little stuck in implementing the ATK API in my program and require some guidance, and this seems the correct place to seek some (but please correct me if I'm wrong!)

My program is an emulated ARM computer system. Specifically, it allows for the loading of ARM assembly source files, the running of these files, and the control and viewing of the internal state of the system (it's register values, it's memory values, whether to commence or pause execution, etc.) via a GUI.

I have managed to implement ATK very easily with many of the GUI components as they are focusable.

However the internal register values of the emulated system are displayed in a table that is not focusable - as a sighted user, you can simply look at the table to find out the information you need, with no requirement to be able to move program focus to the table elements.

My intention for ATK compatibility was for the information from the table to be read by the screenreader upon a key press - Alt+0 for register 0, Alt+1 for register 1, and so on.

However, I cannot find a way to implement this. I have the keyboard recognition and the information to be read implemented within my program, but I cannot find an easy way to just "send" some string of text to the screen reader upon a key press without causing some change in GUI focus.

Do you have a solution or advice on how this can be implemented? I am specifically using GTKMM and ATKMM for the GUI and screenreader support.

Thankyou for any help (and sorry if this is the wrong place to seek it, I couldn't find any other solutions)

Lawrence Warren
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