Re: Accessibility GUADEC BOF?


Have there been any submissions for the talks regarding accessibility functionality in GNOME?


On Mon, Jun 1, 2015 at 9:58 AM Alejandro Piñeiro <apinheiro igalia com> wrote:

On 01/06/15 15:06, William Best wrote:

Excuse my ignorance, but what is GUADEC BOF.

"GUADEC is the main conference for GNOME users, developers, foundation leaders, individuals, governments and businesses worldwide. " [1]

GUADEC usually include several activities. There are several talks about GNOME, but also hackfests, etc. A BOF [2] is basically a meeting held at a conference, where several people interested on a specific topic join and talk/hack/etc about it. There are several BOFs this year on GUADEC (Oliver already pointed this link [3]). It is good to organize them in advance in order to be sure that you have a room where everybody can met, and as Oliver is doing, if you want to have some extra activities there.

Best regard



On Mon, Jun 1, 2015 at 9:03 AM Alejandro Piñeiro <apinheiro igalia com> wrote:

On 26/05/15 15:19, Oliver Propst wrote:
> Hi, the dates for the GUADEC BOFs have been set to August 10- 12. If
> there is an interest (centrally hopes it is) from the a11y team to
> host a BOF session I encourage someone involved to reserve a time on
> the wiki [1].
> The date, length and content I guess to large be up to the person who
> organize the session in discussion with the team.
> Are very interested in take part in a a11y BOF, that that said have
> right now committed myself to attend the GNOME.Asia BOF on August 10
> afternoon so that date & time would not work for me.

Sorry for the late answer, and again, thanks for being so interested on
organizing an accessibility bof.

Last time you raised the GUADEC BOF, there were some uncertainty about
the people going or not to GUADEC this year. We talked about that on one
of the weekly meetings. If memory serves me well, at that point we knew:
  * Alejandro Piñeiro: not going
  * Joanmarie Diggs: not going (or at least, really unlikely)
  * Mike Gorse: unknown
  * Joseph Scheuehammer: not going
  * Juanjo Marin: unknown
  * Magdalen Berns: going (not sure if present at the meeting, but
confirmed her presence on this thread).

And note that I just wrote down the people at that meeting, but everyone
interested would be welcome.

So please, could people confirm or not their presence at the GUADEC?

Best regards
> 1

Alejandro Piñeiro (apinheiro igalia com)

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Alejandro Piñeiro (apinheiro igalia com)

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