Re: Any documentation on AT-SPI

On Fri, 3 Feb 2012, Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho wrote:

I definetively don't want to use Gtk, but it seams that at least in my
Mageia Linux libatk comes as a separate library with very few
dependencies, so it might be nicer to use it instead going the harder
DBus route. Hopefully atk can be used without GLib because I have my
own main loop, I am not using GLib. So far my library depends only on
X11 for the X11 backend.
Atk is mostly just a set of gobject-based interfaces, but atk-bridge (the 
code that exposes ATK objects over AT-SPI) currently assumes a glib main 
loop in a few places (there are a couple of g_idle_add calls, and it sets 
up its dbus connections to integrate with the glib main loop).
So I'm not sure what makes the most sense; perhaps those could be 
abstracted somehow, as is done with libdbus for instance, although I'm not 
sure off-hand if glib itself assumes somewhere that a main loop is 

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