If they like the idea, I'm hoping folks who are in Extremadura /
Andalusia might supply photos (if they exist). GNOME AT screen
shots... I invite you to take some screen shots yourself (perhaps on
SuSE). I note that there is a SuSE GNOME 3 build from which you can
at least run the GNOME Shell magnifier (if not the
not-yet-integrated magnifier control panel), described at
On 3/3/2011 11:40 AM, Bryen M Yunashko wrote:
On Thu, 2011-03-03 at 11:35 -0800, Peter Korn wrote:
I suggest photos & screen shots - more than just text
bullets on slides. Photos of folks in Extremadura &
Andalusia - the public computing labs & schools - with folks
actually using GNOME accessibility goodness. Screen shots of
things like the Orca preferences screen and Braille monitor, the
new GNOME Shell magnifier with a magnified screen, high-contrast
inverse display with well-behaved web content. Etc.
For unattended slides, "pictures are worth a thousand words".
See you at CSUN!
Great idea. Can you point me to where to find those?
And yes, I'm looking forward to seeing you again too at CSUN.
On 3/3/2011 11:31 AM, Bryen M Yunashko wrote:
Hey folks,
In about 2 weeks, some of us will be at the CSUN Conference in San Diego
and we'll have a booth. One of the things we'll have in the booth is a
running slide-show that displays all the great things about GNOME
I need some ideas from all of you about what I should include in this
slideshow. Think one-page slides. For example, I'll do a one page
slide about Orca, another about AT-SPI, another about MouseTrap, another
about what is GNOME Accessibility, etc.
This way, as people walk by, they'll learn about how GNOME Accessibility
And by the way, if you are in the San Diego area, please feel free to
join us working the booth. We need all the help we can get, and
unfortunately, at this time, I don't think we are able to get funding to
help people travel to San Diego.
Bryen M Yunashko
gnome-accessibility-list mailing list
gnome-accessibility-list gnome org

Peter Korn | Accessibility
Phone: +1 650
506 9522
Oracle Corporate Architecture Group
500 Oracle Parkway | Redwood City, CA 94065
Oracle is committed to
developing practices and products that help protect the
Peter Korn | Accessibility Principal
Phone: +1 650 506 9522
Oracle Corporate Architecture Group
500 Oracle Parkway | Redwood City, CA 94065
Oracle is committed to developing practices and
products that help protect the environment