Re: No more bugs should be filed under atk/gail

Actually, I do have a bug report with a patch for GTK+ accessibility here:

It is mostly an extension to pixbuf to add a description property, but
also a minor patch to gail to read them in pixbuf cell renderer.  With
this patch, I was able to make Synaptic accessible, as well as several
other applications with minimal effort.  However, I can't submit these
changes upstream if GTK+ wont support pixbuf descriptions.

This is simply the first of what I hope will be several accessibility
upgrades in GTK+ which I hope the developer Vinux team can help write
and test.  But so far, I haven't been able to attract interest from
anyone with the authority to commit patches in the GTK+ team.  My
current impression is that it is useless to try and improve GTK+
accessibility, because there is no champion on the GTK+ team willing
to work with us.


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