Re: How to know if a11y is activated

El día 1 de diciembre de 2011 10:06, Joanmarie Diggs
<jdiggs igalia com> escribió:
> Hey all.
> On Wed, 30 Nov 2011 17:50:09 +0100, Nelson Benítez León
> <nbenitezl gmail com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> back in 2008, nautilus implemented an enhanced keyboard
>> navigation,only activated when a11y was off,
> Huh??
>> because this new
>> navigation would confuse visually impared people,
> Why on earth would it do that any more than it would sighted users? If I
> Right Arrow and suddenly pop into a new row unexpectedly, I can look and see
> that I've moved back to the first column. Likewise, given a non-borked
> implementation of AtkTable with appropriate column headers, a screen reader
> like Orca will automatically present the new column. So the user who is
> blind will know where he/she is too.
>> so, is this the right way to check if accesibility is activated on a
>> widget?
> As Mike suggested in his response and as you may have gathered from mine
> above, I'm not convinced this is the right question to be asking. ;) I think
> the real questions include:
> 1. Should Right Arrow move you to the next row if pressed at the end of the
> current row always, or should it be configurable?

If this is not a problem for a11y I think it should be enabled always,
as it has been accepted as an improvement in keyboard navigation as
seen in

> 2. If the act of pressing Right Arrow should move you to the next row if
> pressed at the end of the current row in tables in Nautilus, would it make
> sense to move this functionality into Gtk+ itself so that all Gtk+ tables
> behave in a consistent fashion when navigated via keyboard?

It would be cool if gtk+ adopted same behaviour as nautilus..

>> Sorry if my questions are obvious
> No apologies needed, and we appreciate your asking! As you can see, this
> AT-support-specific functionality is news to at least some of us. ;)
> Take care.
> --joanie (Orca project lead)

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