Re: Mixed version of the accerciser page (docbook/mallard)

Hello Aline,

Thank you for contributing, we really appreciate the help.  Here are some notes which came out of a meeting Joanie, Shaun and I had about documenting accerciser in mallard and organizing the documentation by topics which are relevant to accerciser's usage.  I've also added some suggestions for note styles which indicate Tips and cautions:

What is accerciser?
 - what its for?
      - how do I find out more about gnome accessibility
 - how to run
      - globally enable accessibilty
      - single application by setting GTK_MODULES=canberra-gtk-module:gail:atk-bridge
 - who might use it
      - Application developer might want to use Validator
      - AT developer might want to use Interface Viewer, Event monitor, iPython...
 - Plugin architecture (link to plugin section)

Exploring the accessibility hierarchy
   - Quick select NOTE style = TIP
   - Bookmarks
   - Anything with many cells in a tree or tree table, be aware the dropping down will take a long time. NOTE style=CAUTION

   The accerciser validator is a plugin which can apply one or more tests to
   - Existing validators (If you can't find this document, let me know I can send it to you)
   - How to write your own validator

Interface viewer exploratory drilldown (before you know enough about what is happening to write iPython script)

Using the event monitor
   - What is it?
   - How to enable monitoring
       - Narrowing down the number of events
       - NOTE Style=TIP... Only pick the events you care about.  (Narrow it down because all accessible applications are all spitting stuff out)
   - Examining the output.
       - Finding the accessible associated with the event.

Using iPython console
   - link to iPython docs
   - Example to query text interface

API Browser
   (When accerciser is running so I don't have to look at docs)  For each object what interfaces are exposed/implemented

Script Recorder
(Can probably remove this section, script recorder is broken and it may be removed in a future version of accerciser unless someone has a compelling reason and the time to make it work.)

Customizing accerciser
   - preferences
   - Rearranging tabs/panes tear-off panes

Extending accerciser
   - Plugins
   - How to write a plugin

Reproduce bugs without Orca running.  (independent tester)

What distro (non accessibiity person) is interested in.  Validator.

Blind person might prefer iPython console over the graphical interface view. (Interface viewer)

Link to docs to get more information about iPython console.  (two places to get more information about accessible components are interface viewer and atk/atspi docs.)

Context sensitive help Link back to API docs.

Script recorder.

- Application Pane

- Plugins

- Standard plugins

How to write a plugin.

ALSO Do the preferences one tab == one topic  (try to make context match)

Here are some notes I took on writing mallard documentation

What are pages and level of granularity
write mallard pages
  stub pages id (same as basename and a title
  index is the default landing page
put in guide link which links to a page called 'fixme' and creates the fixme page
go in and start writing

On 14/04/11 16:23, Aline Bessa wrote:
Hi everybody!

My main doubts are about the structure. I'd like to transform each docbook section in a mallard section, but sometimes they're so big! With either subsections (=== usage subsection ===, for example) or images etc...

If you could give some style guidelines, that'd be awesome!

Aline Bessa
GNU/Linux Registered User #452373
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