Re: About the current a11y meeting and format

On Tue, Sep 7, 2010 at 6:31 PM, Heidi Ellis <heidijcellis gmail com> wrote:

3. I do not yet have a clear enough idea as to what are acceptable agenda
items to comment on the need for operating using an agenda or not. Perhaps
some insight into the parameters for what is acceptable/useful agenda items
would help clarify.

My advice would be to add anything and everything you'd like to add. Who ever is running the meeting should be able to finalize the agenda and refer you to appropriate places for anything that might not make the agenda. Or if you ask questions, others might just answer the questions before the meeting even starts! 

Each group usually finds a balance for what's productive to discuss on IRC versus the mailing list versus phone calls. The GNOME Board of Directors changes each year and we readjust a bit with each new group.


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