HFOSS Proposal: Dots

Dots – A Braille Transcribing Application

GNOME today provides a compelling non-visual interface using the
Orca[1] screen reader. This combination competes with non-free
alternatives and provide an affordable computing platform for the
visually impaired user. A braille transcription application for GNOME
would provide further appeal by providing a tactile desktop publishing

Modern braille transcription requires a combination of automated
machine translation and human interaction and decision making to
remove ambiguities in the transcribed output[2]. Liblouisxml[3] is a
library and set of tools that provides easy conversion from XML
documents to literary and Nemeth braille. While liblouisxml is a
powerful translator, it lacks a user interface that would make it's
many features discoverable.

Develop an intuitive application that would be a one stop shop for
translating, transcribing, reading and embossing tactile documents in

Current Status
Dots[4] has been developed to a proof of concept stage in which it can
import a Word document and transcribe it using any table that liblouis
provides. Dots provides an import wizard[5] that exposes some
liblouisxml options, such as table choice, cells per line, lines per
page and page numbering options.

Further Work
For Dots to become usable, progress must be made on several fronts:
- The accepted document import formats should be expanded to more
options with a priority to ODF and other free formats.
- Provide a six dot braille “chording” input mode.
- Toggle format options on the fly, for example line width, page size,
numbering, etc.
- Provide a toggleable view between ASCII and braille fonts.
- Provide a line-by-line translation view.

1. http://live.gnome.org/Orca
2. http://www.dotlessbraille.org/transcribing.htm
3. http://code.google.com/p/liblouisxml/
4. https://github.com/eeejay/dots/tree
5. http://www.getdropbox.com/gallery/280491/1/dots_screenshot?h=58a0fd

Attachment: dots.odt
Description: application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text

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