Re: Ideas for upcoming Bolzano GTK+ hackfest

Hi Brian:

Note that the GTK+ hackfest is more focused on issues that relate to
GTK+ and the future of GTK+.  It is probably not a good forum to deal
with issues where applications are not properly implementing GTK+ a11y
features, and other issues which do not relate directly to GTK+.

Thanks for clarifying the constraints are for GTK+ only and no other discussion is allowed or permitted. This definitely narrows things, but also opens up some stuff, too.

I have a few things that would be great to get a handle on:

1) - the current solution of using environment variables is deemed distasteful by some, but nobody has been able to offer a better solution. Hackers might try to look at this one hard.

This seems like an issue that would be appropriate to discuss.

Yep - even if the existing 'hacks' include changes in things outside GTK+ (e.g., atk, java, OOo, Gecko), GAIL is indeed part of GTK+ and the module loading is part of GTK+. One thing that might be considered here is whether a11y modules are different enough from other GTK+ modules to warrant a newer/separate way to load them.

<<<numerous items questioning the appropriateness of items deleted now that the constraints are clearer>>>

It might be good if someone on the a11y team were to review
a11y-specific GTK+ bugs to see what issues might be good to discuss.

This is definitely a good idea, and is what I mean by "open up" above. Most of the GTK+ a11y bugs have been pushed aside or ignored, and this might be a good venue to unclog them:

We can also go through our list of known GTK+ issues to make sure the "accessibility" keyword is on them.


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