Re: [orca-list] Evince accessibility (was Re: sayAll command not working in adobe reader)

"Krishnakant Mane" <hackingkk gmail com> writes:

> hi
> It seams gnupdf would really be a great option because it will
> probably have atk implemented by default.

One fine day ... As I understand the statements on this page, they still
are at the beginning.
But we have to handle PDF files here and now, and I think there are 3
1. We "freedom fighters" swallow our pride and run after the Adobe
folks. As I remember, the Acrobat Reader was fairly usable last
year. But to get it is much more complicated than on year ago, why? It
should be made easier to get it, and why stop a development that
achieved remarkable progress?
2. Based on Javier's script we try to improve it. For example, when I use
it, I get an English Gedit started, and I couldn't localize this script
(for Germany with the known umlaut problems).
3. We rely on the good old pdftotext tool, which I do in most cases.
If someone has some good ideas on Evince, OK, but we keep discussing
this for at least one year without moving one inch.

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