efficient osk - was GNOME A11y: where do we need to improve?


First of all, thanks for the replies.

At 2:38 PM +0000 1/21/08, Steve Lee wrote:
 > There is gok, which seems to be rather targeted at users that can not
 efficiently use the pointer. It has word completion without word
 prediction. The keyboard is not resizable,...

Without wanting to answer for the GOK team I think I heard there may
have once been an investigation into prediction.

What features are needed that GOK does not have in its main OSK? Is it
simply they way it starts up and having a simple OSK appear would be
what you prefer?

It may well be that I do not know how to use gok to its full potential. First disturbing issues that come to mind:
- It does not float; when I click on another window it covers gok
- The composer (osk) disappears automatically and the user has to reopen it and resize it to its liking. - As far as I could see, it has autoponctuation, but not word prediction, only word completion

But instead of dissecting gok, maybe I should list the main features that I would like to see (they also are in the GetInvolved page):

- The onscreen keyboard should emulate all the functions of a hardware keyboard: for example, pressing shift on the onscreen keyboard should produce the same effect (for example in conjunction with mouse operations) as pressing shift on the hardware keyboard

- It should have a good word prediction engine (not only word completion), with a learning mode that can easily be activated and deactivated (I don't want my passwords to be in the dictionaries). Maybe a button directly on the osk. Example, on my current onscreen keyboard, when I type ons it proposes among other words, the word onscreen (word completion), and immediately afterwards (without typing anything) it proposes the word keyboard (word prediction).

- It should have an interface to edit the dictionaries; for example to enter a new word.

- It should be easy to switch language; think at people that speak several languages (they write English in a forum, than write an email in their native language to a friend; than go back to the forum;...). The onscreen keyboard I am using now has a popup on the osk to activate and deactivate dictionaries. In fact it has two popups: one for the dictionaries supplied by the software and one for the dictionaries created by the user; indeed it is possible to activate multiple dictionaries simultaneously. (ok: multiple active dictionaries might not be so important as long as it is easy to make additions to the dictionary.)

- Strongly prioritise recently used words. I think regardless of how the prediction engine determines what words to propose, it should prioritise the words that were recently used, as they have a greeter chance to be reused in the particular context about which the user is writing at that moment.

- Autoponctuation: for example automatically type space after selecting a predicted word; when typing a dot, automatically remove the space, write the dot, automatically write a space and automatically activate the shift key;... The activation and deactivation of the autoponctuation should be directly clickable on the onscreen keyboard, because the user has to often toggle its state (it disturbs for urls, in the terminal,...).

At 11:32 AM -0800 1/21/08, Peter Korn wrote:
I think the best place to start is for you to describe the feature(s) you like and use in the commercial product(s), and let that lead a discussion of how best to achieve those results. The more detailed you can be (both in the description of the feature(s), and in describing how they help you and aid efficiency/productivity), the better.

If anybody has comments to the above points or would like to add further points, they will really be welcome.

I just found another point about the arrangement of the keys on the onscreen keyboard. Indeed, as far as I know, the usual layouts (qwerty?) were designed for technical reasons to maximize the distance between two subsequent letters; for onscreen keyboard that distance should be minimized to type faster:

At 11:32 AM -0800 1/21/08, Peter Korn wrote:
It may be that OnBoard fits this bill reasonably well. But I'm not familiar enough with the motivations behind OnBoard to say whether it is expressly targeting the population you describe.

I think part of the reason of the creation of onboard (initially called sok) can be found in the summary and rationale of its specefication page:
And probably in the review gok:

Regarding "start it and it is ready to use", onboard fits the bill; but it does not (yet) have efficiency enhancement features like word prediction... (They are in the spec, but postponed.)

Should onboard be enhanced, should gok be improved (for example the setup wizard idea, concentrating on uses cases instead of technical aspects; refine the composer; core pointer issue,...)?

At 2:38 PM +0000 1/21/08, Steve Lee wrote:
No but I have seen demos of head tracking with simple webcams without
reflective dots on foreheads if that is what you mean?

There are other models that don't use dots, but other "references" like the HeadMaster of PRC (if I remember correctly, it uses ultrasounds); that is why I tried to keep it more general with the term "reference". But you are right, various models use reflective dots.

There has been
discussion of webcam-based eyetracking over at www.oatsoft.org,
including combining it with headtracking to improve accuracy.

Two moving references; this surprises me: I assumed that eyetracking required a resting head.

At 2:38 PM +0000 1/21/08, Steve Lee wrote:
AFAIK the keyboard standards are to ensure that application authors
add complete and standardised keyboard access as it is their job to do
so. For pointer access I think there is less of an issue as it is
generally predefined by OS / UI tookits used and extra accessibility
options like dwell click are features of system or device drivers. So
there should be operating/window systems guidelines rather than
application guidelines. There is a need for guidelines for custom
widget use of pointer.

At 11:32 AM -0800 1/21/08, Peter Korn wrote:
There is a very fuzzy line between what apps do for accessibility in and of themselves, and what they do via the use of an assistive technology application. For a variety of reasons, on Windows & in GNOME & in KDE, we have drawn that line such that keyboard-only operation is handled by the apps themselves, while mouse-only is done via desktop AT. Of course, "keyboard-only" is only about "full use of keyboard-only". We bring in AT with things like StickyKeys, MouseKeys, etc. On Macintosh, "full use of keyboard-only" requires desktop AT (VoiceOver) to give you all of the functionality you have in Windows & GNOME & in KDE. Which goes to the point that the line is fuzzy in desktop computing.

For essentially these historical and "current state of the art" reasons, I think it is best to solve full use by mouse only via add-on (though perhaps built-in to GNOME) AT which accomplishes that task, and utilizes the AT-SPI standard for driving apps where needed (e.g. with the AccessibleSelection, AccessibleAction, AccessibleValue, etc. interfaces).

And the add-on ATs are for example an osk, mousetweaks to replace the mouse buttons, mouse control provided by gok for switch users,...

Thanks to both of you for the explanations.

At 11:32 AM -0800 1/21/08, Peter Korn wrote:
This <python bindings> library is being shared by a number of tools, and if GOK were ported to Python, it could very easily move to pyatspi (in fact, it would be the natural thing to use)

Are you talking about porting all (if not most) features of gok to python?

By the way, there are a few words concerning switch input in the specifications of sok. But do not get me wrong: this does not mean that I am suggesting to use sok/onboard as a basis; I don't have the required technical background for suggesting it.

At 11:32 AM -0800 1/21/08, Peter Korn wrote:
There are a number of use cases in which per-application on-screen keyboard behavior would be very useful.

I don't know whether it would really make sense to have a variable keyboard for the use case that I have in mind (a user without problems to move the pointer). It would require more learning from the user. Maybe that I get you wrong: what behavior are you talking about?

At 11:32 AM -0800 1/21/08, Peter Korn wrote:
Let me add that the Inference folks at Cambridge (who brought Dasher to the world) are working on the OpenGazer project (see http://www.inference.phy.cam.ac.uk/opengazer/), which uses a "£50 Logitech QuickCam Pro 4000" to drive eye tracking (with somewhat limited resolution), which in turn can drive Dasher or some other on-screen keyboard. This is work I would very much like to see expanded and refined.

I agree that it has to be refined: I don't think that a resolution of 16x16 as indicated on the linked page is accurate enough. (In fact, that page says that it is accurate enough for dasher). I don't think that it would satisfy me. (I am currently using a Headpointer with a dot.)



PS: I have not named the exact AT that I am using because I don't know whether it is good practice to name commercial items in a free software list.

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