Re: Which event is generated when a widget is shown

Hi Alexander:

I'm going to go under the assumption that you want to know when a window
has reached a steady state so you can compare snapshots of the same
window between separate runs of an application.

I'm not sure there really is an AT-SPI event you can use to detect
steady state since the management of a window's contents is really up to
an application.  For example, an application can happily update a
progress bar, update the seconds on a clock, repeatedly show/hide a
button in a window, etc.

Given the relative bursty nature of AT-SPI events, I think you might
need to implement some sort of timer-based solution -- wait x.y seconds
after getting the activate event for a window and then take the
snapshot.  This won't give you identical snapshots for the situations I
mention above, but it might cover most situations.

There's also the notion of the STATE_BUSY state of an object.  You would
be notified of changes to this via state changed events.  In my
experiences, however, I don't recall this being something one could rely
upon for the situation I'm assuming you're looking for.

Hope this helps,


On Thu, 2007-06-21 at 14:39 +0200, Alexander Todorov wrote:
> Hello list,
> I am trying to make a simple screenshot taking script with Dogtail.
> I found an example how to use at-spi events which I modified.
> The attached file takes screenshots when a window:activate event is 
> detected. However the images don't look nice. The screenshot is taken 
> while the window is repainting itself, everything appears gray.
> Which event is generated when the window/widget is shown?
> How can I take the screenshot after everything has been shown on the screen?
> Thanks,
> Alexander.
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