Re: D-BUS based magnification API

Peter Korn wrote:
Assume that without GL, we can have a magnifier of quality 5, and with GL a magnifier of quality 10 (just an assumption for sake of argument, please bear with me). Since GL now runs on even somewhat older video hardware, and you can get a GL card for not much money if you don't have one already, I believe it would be better to make the decision to require GL in the magnifier. Have some simple, basic magnifier that works everywhere so folks who cannot get GL hardware have something reasonable (perhaps quality level 3 - the point here is to focus resources on the great stuff that we believe most folks will be able to get with minimal hardware investment). And then focus on the GL based stuff.

Now, this assumes a big difference in what we can do with and without GL. That may be a bad assumption on my part. But I look at how GL hardware can do things like magnification of videos with little to no slowdown in video performance, and I imagine the other cool things GL can give us.

Just want to chime in and say that I agree with Peter's approach on this. In 1-2 years we will see GL hardware and software be the norm and used by default. By continuing work on GL-based magnifiers we can expect to have a mature GL-based magnifier to offer at the same time as GL technology generally becomes mainstream (which has often not been the case with AT).

eZoom is now used by default in Ubuntu Gutsy. I suggest people play with that on the live CD if your hardware supports it. Also read Kristian's blog for more info:

Another advantage of working with the emerging technology is that it's easier to capture the interest of talented and creative hackers like the Compiz Fusion folks. Hopefully we'll start to see a11y take root throughout projects like this. But that can only happen if we are working with relevant technology.

(I've BCCed Kristian: please jump in with your views. That would be very valuable to this discussion. Thread starts at:


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