Name of Accessible (Not the Label Name)

Hi All,

I have been using "cspi" (i.e. at-spi) library in my application.
Scenario is that I am using HTML programming on web page and the
application is executing in GNOME environment (GTK+ is for UI and C

So the web page has something like this :


<label for="Label2">Label2:</label>
<input type="text" name="Lb2" id="Label2" value="Some Text" />


On the Application (which is using cspi -- All coding done in C
programming) if I have code like..

static void
recv_text_event (const AccessibleEvent *event,
                void                  *data)
  char *name = NULL;
  name = Accessible_getName (event->source);
  g_print("Name of event's source : %s\n", name);



      acclis = SPI_createAccessibleEventListener (
              recv_text_event, NULL);

      for (i = 0; evt_names[i]; ++i) {
          SPI_registerGlobalEventListener (acclis, evt_names[i]);



Now if i click on the text box that Label2 will have then the output
that I get is :

Name of event's source : Label2

But I want to get the "name" i.e. "Lb2".

Which API should I use to get this done ? Any inputs would be great.

Thanks in advance..



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