At-SPI client and server running in different hosts

Hello list,
I am encountering an issue discussed long time ago:

I need to run AT-SPI server and client on different hosts.

As stated in:

"So on the server side you must write a small piece of code which does exactly this, obtains a reference (IOR) to the at-spi-registry in the "usual way", then exports it as a "stringified IOR".

Then on the AT client side, you need to make a small change; instead of using the usual bonobo-activation-based method for obtaining a reference to the at-spi-registryd Registry, you instead call a piece of code which reads the string from the server-host and calls orb.string_to_object to get a valid IOR from that string.

From there on, everything should work as normal (as long as the client always uses this cached IOR for the registry, obtained via this alternate means."

What is the present status of this issue?

It has been fixed and I am able to run an application exported to another display on the same host and access it via Dogtail. When I run an application from one host and display it to another host it is not accessible. Both a11y and X permissions are setup correctly, no firewall, running as root.

Can someone give more details about the above mentioned modifications of client and server? Are they needed at present? If so what do I have to modify? My program's source code? Is there a work around or an option
to tell a GTK program which IOR (registry) to use?

What is the state of this issue in respect to migrating AT-SPI to D-Bus?
"It would be good to extend AT-SPI to allow accessible remote access to applications"

As I understand so far at-spi-registryd is the deamon responsible for registering applications. Can I configure my client's registryd to share the register resource with the server's registryd? Where is the documentation on at-spi-registryd? I seem not to find anything even on google. Running with --help, -h, -help doesn't work for me. No options show.

Any help and/or points in the right direction are most welcome.


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