Re: compiling or obtaining gnome-speech; also festival and orca on debian


Cheryl Homiak wrote:
1. I can't get the version of gnome-speech recommended for orca to compile on my debian unstable system. It hangs after checking for javac and responding "yes" in the configure. Does anybody know what might be the cause for this and is there an up-to-date version of gnome-speech in debian unstable.

Hmm... This is only a guess but if it is finding javac it must be seeing an installation of your Sun jdk. You may have to pass some special configurations to ./configure to ignore anything java related, and not to look for FreeTTS which it is probably doing after looking for javac then hanging.

2. While I can get orca to work with brltty on my system, I can't get orca to use festival though festival does work from the command line.

Have you tried running test-speech that comes with gnome-speech? That tool would help you resolve any driver related issues with festival. If test-speech can't see festival and then orca wouldn't either. Likewise if it sees it orca should see it as well.

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