Re: Accessibilty module for colorblind people

Em Ter, 2006-10-10 às 02:01 +0200, Samuel Thibault escreveu:
> Carlos Eduardo Rodrigues Diógenes, le Mon 09 Oct 2006 20:56:12 -0300, a écrit :
> > To the others that answeared your question about xorg question in you
> > first e-mail, why it's better to work on Xorg server than GTK+?
> Because there are a _lot_ of applications that don't use GTK+.

I don't know if I understand the initial thoughts of Daniel in how these
color filters must be used by applications. If it will be a library that
others applications will use and integrate it in some way in the UI, I
also think that the xorg implementation is the best approach.

If the filters are implemented in gnome-mag there is no problem that
others applications doesn't use GTK+, because the image capture and
manipulation will be done entirely throw gnome-mag. I also think that
this way is best since it will not force any change in other

Comments about it are very welcome.

Best regards,


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