Re: Fwd: accessebility suggestion for Ubuntu 6.06 LiveCD

Bill Haneman wrote:
For one thing, if you configure StickyKeys to use latch-to-lock (i.e.
two presses 'locks' the modifier, which is very important for things
like effective Alt-TAB usage), the OSK doesn't follow suit; in fact I
believe SOK will emit the wrong key entirely in this case, since it's
shift emission will de-shift the xserver's keyboard state.

This is untrue it was one of the first things I tested.  It works
exactly how one would expect.  With sticky keys enabled it behaves
just like GOK.  The only bug I can see with this is that the labels on
the keys do not become the label associated with the modifier.  It is
possible to detect if I modifier is locked so this will be trivial to

Chris Jones

jabber - skating tortoise gmail com
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