Re: Problem with running festival driver for gnome-speech

Thanks for suggestions. I have fixed the issue and have reported it on
the group. I appended 'solved' to the subject line so unfortunetely it
wont come in the same thread.

In a nutshell, I had to compile gnome-speech and configure/fine tune
[faced one issue with .server file for festival]

I might have to scale down further to RH Linux 7.2 as that is the base
version my application supports. So this is really a development m/c,
and I am trying to add accessibility and speech synthesis ('read
aloud' etc). to my app.


On Wed, 9 Mar 2005 19:03:18 +1100, Luke Yelavich
<linuxaccess themuso com> wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 08, 2005 at 05:01:49PM EST, Aditya Pandey wrote:
> > I have searched the archives and did not find a problem of this sort
> > till now. I have installed festival and gnome-speech on Red Hat linux
> > 9.
> Have you considered upgrading to the latest Fedora? If it is not too
> difficult for you to do so, I would strongly suggest it. It seems to me
> like you are mixing and matching a lot of versions which seems to be
> giving you problems. Added to that, Red Hat 9 is quite old by today's
> Linux standards.
> With the latest fedora, you would be able ot install everything you
> need, with correct versions that work.
> Just a suggestion.
> Luke
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Aditya Kumar Pandey
Contact:  9868263500; 011-25165432

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