Re: Help, New Gnopernicus User!

Hi.  Is the key to turn on "caret browsing" mode different for yelp?  In
mozilla, I use f7, but that doesn't work in the help system.  I'm
running Gnome 2.8 from Debian.

On Fri, Jan 14, 2005 at 09:05:28AM -0800, Peter Korn wrote:
> Hi Kelly, Beth, all,
> There is a (poorly documented) mechanism in gnome-help, mozilla, evolution, 
> and likely a number of future applications to turn on "caret browsing" mode 
> for navigating through the text-content regions of otherwise uneditable 
> text: press F7.
> Try this with gnome-help.  Once you've done this, you get a caret and can 
> traverse through the content region and get Gnopernicus speech feedback so 
> as to read the document(s).  In addition, there is flat-review mode in 
> Gnopernicus, though it will read more than just text content.
> Regards,
> Peter Korn
> Sun Accessibility team
> Kenny Hitt wrote:
> >Hi.  Gnome accessibility is improving, but I wouldn't try using it as my
> >only access to my Linux boxes.
> >I have the same problem as you with the help system.  Lack of access to
> >help in Gnome seems to be a "feature".  One way to get a
> >list of Gnopernicus keys is to goto preferences and choose keyboard 
> >mapping.
> >You can read through the list with the down arrow.
> >The way to get to a pannel is to use control-alt-tab.  That will cycle
> >from pannels to the desktop.
> >You might want to read the user documentation for Gnome in a console to
> >find out about other useful shortcuts.  If you don't have console access,
> >Iexplorer should let you read the web pages.
> >Most of the shortcuts you used in Windows will do similar things 
> >in Gnome.  If you goto desktop preferences and choose keyboard shortcuts,
> >you can see what shortcuts are actually available on your system.
> >Gnopernicus should read this dialog without you needing to use any review 
> >keys.
> >If my answers aren't clear, just ask and I'll try to explain better.
> >I've been playing with Gnome for almost 2 years, so I'm probably missing
> >the simple things.
> >
> >Hope this helps.
> >          Kenny
> >	  
> >On Fri, Jan 14, 2005 at 05:20:51AM -0700, Beth Hatch wrote:
> >
> >>
> >>   
> >>   Hello all,
> >>
> >>After being a Windows user for the last 10 years, I've finally got a Linux
> >>system here delivered to me today.  I am a student studying computer
> >>networking where we use Linux at school, this is my home system which has 
> >>a
> >>dual boot of Debian Ubantu and Redhat Enterprise Linux which I had custom
> >>built for me.
> >>
> >>   I've spent the last several hours working with Gnopernicus, learning
> >>keyboard commands, etc.  I am finding that I can configure voices and
> >>preferences just fine, but when I try to read any help for Gnopernicus, or
> >>if I attempt to find or use anything like the Gnome panels, or 
> >>applications
> >>of any kind, I have having very little success.  I have tried to research
> >>whatever is happening to no avail on several unix and Linux pages that use
> >>Gnopernicus, Sun, Debian, Redhat, among others.
> >>
> >>   I am using Gnopernicus version 09.19 and Festival which was just
> >>installed on my system.  Now I hear there is a newer Gnopernicus build,
> >>010.0 I believe......
> >>
> >>   If someone could point this former Windows user in the right direction,
> >>e.g. how do I get the Gnome panels and applications to speak properly, it
> >>would be most appreciated.
> >>
> >>   If this type of newbie message clutters up the list, again, my
> >>apologies, please feel free to write to me privately at:
> >>bhatch200 comcast net 
> >>
> >>Thanks in advance for your assistance!!!
> >>
> >>Beth Hatch
> >
> >
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