Re: changing keyboard shortcuts with the keyboard?

	No, I got that part. The problem is, how do I get it to accept 
any keys I type? No matter what I do, it won't accept any key 
combinations, be they multimedia keys or not. I can't get the 
gnopernicus mouse layer to help me either, I right arrow into the 
column, go into layer 5, press period to route the mouse there, and 2 to 
left click... and still nothing. IMHO, I shouldn't even need to be 
messing around with the mouse layer anyway, this is supposed to be 
accessible right? What am I missing here?

On Mon, May 31, 2004 at 11:36:06AM +0100, Calum Benson wrote:
> Yes, it should be possible.  The sequence from the time you open the
> dialog is:
> - Hit Tab twice to focus the list of shortcuts
> - Hit down arrow until you get into the "Sound" section (about 15 items
> down, on my desktop)
> - Hit right arrow to focus the current shortcut column (I suspect this
> is the part you're missing-- it's non-obvious even for sighted users
> that you have to click in the right column rather than anywhere in the
> row, and I think there's a bug open about it)
> - Press the shortcut button you want, or Backspace to set no shortcut or
> unset an existing one.

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