Mozilla 1.7 rc1 issues.

Hi, List.
Recently, I grabbed the Mozilla 1.7 rc1 source code, and compiled it.
I am having several issues I would like to discuss about it.
I noticed that while tabbing through the page I can get spoken feedback on
the frame titles, but none of the links on the page get announced. I also
noticed on forms the buttons will get announced, but the edit fields are
ignored and are not spoken.
Anyway, it seams that tabbing through the page works, but I am not getting
any spoken feedback on where I am or what link or form element I am on.
When carot browsing is activated I had assumed it would allow me to uparrow
and down arrow through the page elements or at least the text on the pages.
Again I get no speech feedback.
Is there anyone or any specific list I should address Mozilla accessibility
with? I would like to get involved with testing Mozilla, help find
accessibility issues, and report those problems to the developers for future
Currently, I linked Mozilla with gnome 2.4, but plan to update to Gnome 2.6
in the next couple of weeks. Does it make a large difference with Mozilla
weather I use Gnome 2.4 or Gnome 2.6?

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