Help with Demoing Gnome A11Y

Hello All,

About sim months back I contacted a coupld of groups involved with
accessiblity software in Melbourne Australia encouraging them to get
involved on this list, suggesting that their input could be helpful in
shaping gnome-a11y.  They are people who work at the coal-face deploying
a11y software for their clients.  They were moderately interested and
may or may not have joined.

With the inclusion of gnome-accessibility in garnome (yeah Jeff and all)
I have finally managed to get it all compiled.  I have a quick play with
GOK and (as someone who doesn't need a11y softare but is just
interested) it looks great.

I've recently been in contact with one of the parties and they are keen
to have me (and possibly others) to come in and show them the gnome a11y
software running.  However, I've just realized that they work with blind
people and I haven't even started to look at gnopernicus (which is
probably far more relevant to their needs.)

A cry for help: ;-]

Is there someone in Melbourne Aust that has gnopernicus working who
would be interested in showing me what's what, and even maybe coming
along to the meeting (time no yet know)?

Can people advise on places to look and literature to read to get
gnopernicus running?

Is it possible to get gnopernicus running without hardware items like
text-speech or braille outputs?  (or, Could someone loan me hardware so
that I can set it up in advance to show them?)

Any other suggestions on what I should be showing them?

Obviously I'm a little out of my depth, but this is a great opportunity
and I'm more than happy to put in a little time to make sure that things
go well.

thanks in advance

Lest we forget...

"They disembarked in 45,
 And no one spoke and no one smiled,
 There were too many spaces in the line.
 And Gathered at the cenotaph,
 All agreed with hand on heart, 
 To sheath the sacrificial knives.

"But now...
 She stands upon Southampton Dock
 With her handkerchief, and her summer frock
 That clings to her wet body in the rain. 
 In quiet desperation
 Knuckles white upon the slippery reins,
 She bravely waves the boys goodbye again"

			-- Southampton Dock, by Pink Floyd

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